We are now accepting referrals for 2025! To apply, please complete a referral form here

We are excited to announce that the 17th year of the Family Roots program – a multi-family adventure therapy program for Solo parent families.

  Our longest standing program, we are grateful for our ongoing partnership and collaboration with Power To Be!,

Through family bonding, adventure, play, and immersion in an accessible, barrier-free outdoor environment, Family Roots draws on outdoor recreation and connection with the natural world to strengthen family systems and increase the well-being and resiliency of youth and their family.

In addition to participating in a range of outdoor adventure activities, families expand their support networks, enhance self-esteem and social skills while improving self-awareness and self-regulation skills. Outside activity days/weekends participants are supported by clinical counsellors with monthly  therapy sessions, personal coaching, and parenting resources as needed.

Who can attend the program?

Solo-Parent Families living in the Greater Victoria region who:

  • Have children ages of 8 to 14
  • Are not currently involved in family counselling, and may be experience barriers to accessing resources
  • Families who are looking for support in coping with:
    • Parent-child conflict and power struggles
    • Feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem
    • Difficulties functioning in school, social skills
    • Grief and loss, past trauma
    • Families in transition (e.g., separation/divorce, loss of family member, etc)

“The Family Roots program gave our family the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way and face many of our challenges. It was such a gift to be supported by such an open and giving group of people. I can not recommend this program enough.” – mother, FR participant, 2014

What activities will we do?

A group of 5-6 families will meet once per month to share in play and adventure over the course of 4 months. The adventure weekends will include activities such as:

  • Kayaking and voyager canoeing
  • Hiking
  • Games and team initiatives
  • Nature connection
  • Camping

Each month will also include a “Parents Together” support session held over Zoom or in person at the Power to Be site on a Tuesday evening.   These meetings will provide an opportunity to build a community of support, provide information on various mental health and wellness topics, allow a safe space for discussing the adventure of parenting, and expand resources.

What will our family learn?

  • Bonding and community building
  • Communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Trust and leadership
  • Emotional literacy
  • Self-regulation skills
  • Tapping into our personal resources and strengths

Program Dates:

Weekend adventures at Power To Be, 10:00am – 3:30pm

Saturday and Sunday May 24 and 25

Sunday June 22

July 19 -20 – Overnight camping program

Sunday August 24

Parents Together sessions will take place one Tuesday evening per month, 5-7pm:

May 13

June 10

July 8 

August 12

“It really is hard to wrap up how much fun, how much bonding, talking, thinking, introspection, discussion and quiet times affected us so profoundly. So much so that it continues to be present in our everyday lives months after the program is finished. We are a better family because of the program. The program is as good as it is because of the people, that really made the difference. Supportive, kind, non judgemental, helpful, incite full, intelligent brave souls who gave so much of themselves and their time to all of us. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough.”  – Father, Family Roots participant.


How to Register

To apply for the Family Roots program fill out a referral form.   You will then be contacted by the intake coordinator with Power To Be, Sylvia Storry. All interested families will need to participat in an intake interview to confirm registration, and committ to attending all program dates.   This program is full funded, but includes a regsitration fee of just $25 per family member.

Program Information


May 24th& 25th, June 22, July 19-20 (overnight) & Aug 24


weekends: 10am -3:30pm & Tuesdays 5-7pm


Power To Be, Prospect Lake, Highlands BC

Program Facilitators

Sylvia Storry, RCC and Nate Demetrius, RCC


$25 per family member. This program is subsidized through the ongoing and generous support of Power To Be

Registration Information

To apply for the Family Roots program please fill out a referral form.   You will then be contacted by the intake coordinator with Power To Be, Sylvia Storry.