Human-Nature Counselling Society is closing following and adhering to all provincial health regulations regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
For more information on the current provincial COVID protocols, please click here.
Managing Covid-19 Transmission Risk for In-person Counselling Sessions
Human-Nature Counselling wants to deliver a safe and positive experience for both clients and employees. Our team has been monitoring closely the recommendations and precautionary measures of the World Health Organization, Health Canada, BC Centre for Disease Control, and our Provincial Health Officer. While we cannot completely eliminate all risk, with proper protocols in place, your session/program can take place in-person with what we believe are reasonable risks to you, your counsellor/youth worker, and others in the local community. Additionally, you can always request your services to be delivered online.
Safety for all will rely on the full cooperation of all community members from the time of arrival until departure. We have taken several precautionary measures to promote safety during your sessions or program, including:
- ensuring staff health;
- practicing physical distancing;
- reducing the number of touch points;
- training our team on enhanced cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing; and
- expecting the best from everyone through respect for the health and safety of our community and adherence to our policies and procedures.
If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or live with someone who has COVID-19, please do not come to our group program or your in person session. If necessary, call your doctor, or the local public health office. In BC, you may call 8-1-1. Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19, will not be permitted to attend. So, if you do not feel well, please stay home.
Pre-session screening
Prior to arrival, both clients and contractors must answer the following questions:
- Have you or your immediate family/those you live with been out of the country and are still within the mandatory 14 day quarantine?
- Have you or your immediate family/those you live with been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19?
- Do you or your immediate family have any symptoms associated with COVID-19?
- Is anyone in the home currently under quarantine/self-isolation?
If the answer is YES to any of the above questions, face-to-face supports will not be an option. However, online options can be arranged.
It is very important that both employees and clients stay at home if either are feeling ill or exhibiting any of the following symptoms:
- Coughing
- Sneezing or runny nose
- Headache
- Fever
- Chills
- Nausea and vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Cyanosis (difficulty in absorbing oxygen indicated by blue tinge to skin, lips, etc)
- Loss of sense of smell
- Sore throat
Reporting symptoms after an in person session
If you develop any of the above listed symptoms within 14 days after an in person session, if possible, we request you let your counsellor/youth worker know so they can assess the best way to limit spread. If your counsellor/youth worker develops symptoms after an in person session and obtains a positive test result for Covid 19, they will attempt to notify you as soon as possible if they saw you within 14 days of developing symptoms.
Hand washing and hygiene
Proper hand washing (20 seconds, with soap and warm water) must be completed before, and after the in person service by both parties. Please bring your own sanitizer and use it each time you touch a shared surface while in transit and/or in the program such as shared door handles, picnic tables, sticks, benches, etc.
If you need to cough or sneeze, please use a tissue or the crease of your elbow, and refrain from touching your face with unwashed hands.
Please do not handle other people’s equipment. In the case of shared equipment your counsellor/youth worker will be responsible for disinfecting between uses and/or enacting a glove protocol.
Physical Distancing
Physical distancing is required at all times (minimum of 2 metres). No handshaking etc. Following the recommendations of Health Canada, we encourage all clients to wear a mask or face covering whenever we are unable to maintain a physical distance of 2 metres. Some clients may also feel more comfortable if both client and counsellor are wearing a mask due to the duration of contact, and to protect vulnerable members of their family. Please advise as to your preference. Please bring your own masks/face coverings. If you are injured during your session, the counsellor/youth worker will be required to wear a mask and if possible, ask you to do the same prior to administering first aid.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the pre-screening checklist and the safety precautions required during your session by calling 250-885-0275 or emailing [email protected].