Start your counselling journey today!
Step 1:
Fill out our referral form
Step 2:
Receive a call from our Intake Coordinator
Step 3:
Check out Human-Nature Resources while you get matched with a counsellor
If you are unable to complete the online form, you can also leave us a message at: 250-800-8555
Please email [email protected] if you do not hear from us within a week of submitting your referral form.
Services We Provide
- Individual adult counselling
- Children and youth counselling** for ages 6 and up
- Family counselling**
** For child, youth and family counselling: Please note that when working with children and youth we require an initial assessment session with parent/caregivers only so that we can learn more about your family context, the child’s needs and goals, and offer parent support. We take a family-systems approach to our work, and so this session helps us to start from that perspective. This session will be charged at the normal hourly rate for your counsellor as it is part of the therapeutic process. Also, when we work with kids under 12 years old, some or most of the sessions may include the parent in the counselling process.
Wait Times:
We do receive a large volume of inquiries, and have a waitlist at all times. However, we endeavor to keep our waitlist as short as possible, and it normally ranges with 1-3 months, with the majority of people waiting around 2 months to start services with one of our counsellors. Occasionally this wait does take longer, and increases with the more specific requests a client has. After school session slots (3-5:30pm) are very popular, so if you are limited to that timing only, then a match with a counsellor will likely take longer. We also do our best to expedite services for clients who are facing systemic barriers.
Clinical Counselling (Individual or Family Counselling)
In order to meet a variety of needs, we can match you up with a variety of options:
Our Clinical Counsellors have completed a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology, Child and Youth Care, or Social Work, or an equivalent diploma certificate and training program. All our counsellors are Registered Counsellors (RCC) or Registered Therapeutic Counsellors (RTC). While we all have in common a background in Nature-based Therapy, our counsellors have different areas of specialty, therapeutic modalities and service different communities, so please read our bios to learn more about each of them. We practice in accordance with the ethical codes of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors.
- Individual Counselling — $145/hour
- Family Therapy Therapy — $165/hour
* gas mileage may be added (rate of $0.61/km) depending on the agreed upon meeting location.
Youth Workers and Non-registered Counsellors
Our Youth workers are highly skilled, with years of experience in youth care, and/or have completed their Master’s degree coursework in a mental health field, but are not yet fully registered counsellors. They are closely supervised and supported by our Clinical Director and Executive Director.
- $105/hour (gas mileage may be added depending on location).
Practicum Students
Our amazing practicum students are working on completing their Masters degree in Counselling Psychology or Child and Youth Care, and are training to be Nature-based Therapists. They have been carefully chosen to be on our team due to their compassion, integrity and related experience, and are closely supervised by our leadership team who collaborate on client care to make sure you are getting the best service possible.
- Sliding scale fee of $30–$70/hour.
Please email [email protected] if you do not hear from us within a week of submitting your referral form.
I [had] never done nature counselling before, and have always done more in-office set-up. I can tell you I never want to seek therapy in a confined space. I found nature to give me an extra layer of healing and connection to mindfulness that was a lot easier to achieve outdoors than indoors. I was able to remember tools given to me because I could connect them to nature instead of using my imagination. This type of counselling is exactly what I needed, and I highly recommend it. I was fortunate to have such a wonderful practicum counsellor who always came prepared with tools, and made space for me to safely process trauma to give the confidence to feel like I am more than my anxiety and a good mother.
Client (2023)
Payment Policy
Clients with an outstanding balance of more than two sessions or invoices at $500 will have any future sessions paused until payment can be made.
Benefits & Coverage
Counselling fees may be reimbursed by extended health benefits plans, depending on your plan coverage, and the counsellor you are working with. Please consult your benefits package to find out details on how much is covered, and the required credentials of the professional (they must reimburse for RCC or RTC designation). Some plans may also cover Youth Workers under the direct supervision of our Registered Clinical Counsellors.
We also do direct billing with Autism Funding Unit, Self Design, and Jordan’s Principle funding. Some of our counsellors are covered through the Crime Victim Assistance Program or First Nations Health Authority. Please inquire if you require these programs.
Income-based Counselling Program
As a non-profit organization, we are thrilled to now be able to offer an income-based sliding scale for clients who do not have access to extended health benefit coverage, or other funding sources, and whose household income is $120,000/year or below. Session rates are calculated based on 0.1% of your total household income and your rate can be calculated by looking at the table provided below. We rely on your honesty to let us know what your session rate will be. The income-based scale helps us make sure we can provide the most amount of accessible services possible with our limited available funding. If you earn under $60,000/year then we will require proof of income such as a tax return, payroll receipt, disability or unemployment forms, or letter from your employer.
Subsidized rates range from $120/hr to as low as $25/hr.
Please note, all subsidized services are subject to adequate funding being in place. We do not take a short-term therapy approach, so we do our best to provide comprehensive services.
- Adults can access up to 20 subsidized sessions
- Child/youth and family clients can access up to 30 subsidized sessions
** If you complete all of your sessions, and still require further support, your name will be returned to our waitlist, and you can be allocated further sessions when there is again availability.
Gross annual income is shown on line 150 of your tax return. Human-Nature Counselling reserves the right to request formal documentation for proof of income. If the applicant is under the age of 18, rates will be based on parent/legal guardian’s household income.
HNCS acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia for our income-based counselling program.